Our Services

Corporate Executive

Businessmen discussing company plans

Tackling Your Complex Financial Issues

As a corporate executive, your compensation package probably includes a significant portion of stock options, restricted stock and other equity-based grants. As a result, you may face unique investment challenges such as:

  • Navigating complex federal securities laws
  • Complying with internal company trading policies
  • Avoiding the potential for allegations of improper insider trading
  • Minimizing negative market perceptions
  • Managing your personal tax liabilities due to the complex nature of transactions involving company stock
  • Managing a concentrated equity position in company stock
  • Tackling your complex financial issues

Here at the Altheide Tam Financial Group we have direct access to the dedicated professionals on the Wells Fargo Advisors Executive Services Team. The experts on this team are experienced in addressing the concerns facing public company executives, key employees and other corporate insiders. Their approach incorporates direct consultation with your tax advisor and your legal counsel to help develop, implement and execute all types of strategies and transactions involving company stock.

Specifically, we can enhance your ability to diversify your portfolio by:

  • Developing and implementing 10b5-1 trading programs
  • Creating long-term selling strategies for your stock options portfolio
  • Discussing strategies that can help you better manage your income tax exposure, particularly to the alternative minimum tax (AMT)

Please contact us today to discuss the specific details of your situation and determine how best to proceed.